El primer año de Sara / Sara´s first year
Llegué aquí de casualidad y de paso hace poco más de un año y conseguí dominar esta casa ¡Mihihihihí!
One year ago, I came here by chance. Humans received me in their home to look for an another good home to me, mihihihihi!
One year ago, I came here by chance. Humans received me in their home to look for an another good home to me, mihihihihi!
Con mis caras de "chustoooo" y mis encantadoras cabriolas, conseguí dominar a los humanos que aquí vivivían...
But I managed to dominate them with my faces of surprise and my capers...
But I managed to dominate them with my faces of surprise and my capers...
Ser una experta en posturitas encantadoras también ayudo mucho ¡mihihihihí!
To be an expert in adorable positions also was a great help, mihihihihi!
To be an expert in adorable positions also was a great help, mihihihihi!
Cuando quiero soy muyyy tranquila (pero solo cuando quiero, mihihí).
And when I want (but only when I want, mihihi) I can be very calm.
And when I want (but only when I want, mihihi) I can be very calm.

Y además no he crecido mucho, ¡soy tamaño bolsillo!
In addition, I´m adorably small and you can keep me in your hand!
In addition, I´m adorably small and you can keep me in your hand!
"Duérmete niña, duérmete ya..." tamaño ideal para acunarme dulcemente y dominar claramente, jijiji...
The ideal size to rock me sweetly and dominate you... hihihi..
The ideal size to rock me sweetly and dominate you... hihihi..
¡Lo mires por donde lo mires, soy un chollo!
Undoubtedly, I´m incredible!
Undoubtedly, I´m incredible!
Etiquetas: Bitrhday, Cumpleaños, dominación, domination, Gotcha Day, Sara