Esto es Halloween... ¡Muahahahahahá! / This is Halloween... Muahahahahaha!!
Trick or treat? We want treats at the moment:
Mmmmm... What is here?
Delicious! Muahahahaha!
Treatsss to meeee! Mihihihihi!
A few portraits that are afraid ... Muahahahahahá! We are terrifying, the Terrifying gang!
The Empress of the feline world domination... Muahahahaha!!
The Emperor of Evilness... Muahrahrahrahra!
The little witch... Muihihihihi!
- It´s a terrifying day today. You cannot forget that it´s necessary to sow the terror in home, muahahahahahahahahá! A few recommendations here:
- Cuidado con los humanos extraños. Hay mucho chiflado que nos puede secuestrar con la excusa del Halloween... ¡no os fiéis y manteneos alejados de quiénes no conozcáis!
- Be carefurrr with the strange humans. There are many mad humans and they can kidnap us with the excuse of the Halloween ... Don´t rely and precaution!
- Si l@s niñ@s pesados tocan insistentemente a vuestro timbre para pedir golosinas, un bufido los mantendrá a raya... ¡Muahahahahahá!
- If bothersome children touch your door to ask for treats again and again, a snort (ffffffffffffffffffff!!!) will keep them out ... Muahahahahahá!
- Cuando tus humanos pasen por el oscuro pasillo, salta sobre sus pies para asustarlos ¡muahahahahá!
- When your humans walk along the dark corridor, jump on his feet to scare them muahahahaha!
- Y un clásico que nunca falla, cuando tus humanos estén durmiendo, salta sobre la cama y corre veloz ¡verás qué alegría les darás! ¡Muahahahahahá!
- And the classic terrifying one: when your humans are sleeping, jump on the bed and run fastly on them and you will see what happiness will give them! Muahahahahahá!
Etiquetas: Halloween