He estado pachuchilla / I have been sick
Two weeks ago, my vet diagnosed to me urinary problems. Often I was entering to my litter with desire of urinating and was several minutes trying it without success. Mom gathered to sample of urine, went to the vet and have diagnosed cystitis.
Me inyectaron antibióticos y esta semana repetimos el urianálisis. Yo ya hago pis normalmente, pero mami piensa que el origen es debido al estrés de la llegada de Sara, ya que hemos tenido unas peleas (Pitufa quejica...)
He injected to me an antibiotic and this week we will repeat my urinary test. Already I urinate normally, but mom thinks that the origin is due to the stress of Sara's arrival, because we have had some fights...
Os seguiré informando...
More news coming soon...