Un despiste de mi mami y ¡ZAS! ya estaba arriba ¡Muhahahahahahá! Ya te tenía entre mis dientes, ya saboreaba tus verdes hojitas...

Nothing resists me. It was mine!! My bean was drying the clothes in the terrace I looked up and found my opportunity... muhahahahaha!! I discovered a hollow next to my flower. My bean got confused and I took advantage of the opportunity to climb up of the cupboard, muhahahaha!
I had it green sheets in my teeth

Pero ella me descubrió y me quitó rápidamente la planta...
My bean discovered to me...

Y yo me quedé con esta cara... ¡Pero no me rendiré! ¡¡MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHÁ!
And this was my face... but...I will not give up myself and will try it again!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Etiquetas: Escuela Gatorrista de Élite, Gatorrismos, Humor, laugs, mi casa, my home, Photo Hunters