Desde mi atalaya / From my watchtower
Como buenos exploradores que somos, siempre estamos encontrando nuevos escondites y lugares en los que hacer las mejores emboscadas y retirarnos a pensar sobre nuestras cosas (básicamente dominar el mundo, ¡muahahahahá!)
We cats are good explorers and we are finding new hiding places in which to do the best ambushes and to think about our things (basically to dominate the world, muahahahaha!)
We cats are good explorers and we are finding new hiding places in which to do the best ambushes and to think about our things (basically to dominate the world, muahahahaha!)
Desde aquí arriba me veo más dominadora que nunca... ¡Muahahahahá!
I´m more dominator than never from here... Muahahahaha!
I´m more dominator than never from here... Muahahahaha!
Y lo mejor, vigilar todos los pasos de los insurrectos... ¡Muahahahahahahá!
The better thing is to monitor all the steps of the rebels ... Muahahahahahaha!
The better thing is to monitor all the steps of the rebels ... Muahahahahahaha!
Etiquetas: dominación, domination, Escondites, Hide Place