Lista de Tareas/ Cat Rules
¡¡Muhahahahahahá!! Tengo a mis humanos dominados esta es su lista de tareas
These are the rules with I dominate my beans. Muhahahaha!!!
These are the rules with I dominate my beans. Muhahahaha!!!
Etiquetas: Humor
EL rinconcito de Ana, una gatorrista tricolor, vestida de camuflaje, con mucho que contar. Déjate dominar. ¡Muahahahá! The Ana´s Diary, a calico "gatorrista", dressed in camouflage, who wants conquer the world. Will dominate you! Muahahaha!
Etiquetas: Humor
4 comentarios:
Esta Genial !!! pero falto algo en tu lista...
Hacerle cariñitos al gato :)
Saluditos de Lista
.. and at 3 am again please !
(that's what my Lisa is doing, she pulls at my sleeve to wake me up)
I have to laugh, because your cat says muhahahaha (which sorry, sounds like a cow in german) where they say miau. In english it's meauw and in french miaou. But muhhahaha I've never heard I will try to see if my cats react to a foreign languange !
Hi gattina!
My "Muhahahahaha!" is a malign laugh because I´m a malign worl-wife "dominator". I want dominate the world and the humans Muhahaha!
Cats say "Miau" and cows say "Muuu, muuu" in Spain.
Se te olvidó algo Ana, cepillar y masajear al gato, muajajaja
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